Our Company

Our Company

Mindset Matters Group is a global boutique management consulting firm that specialises in unleashing the human potential in your business through the mindsets that enable it.

Liza Spence, Managing Director of Mindset Matters Group, founded Outcome Focused Consulting in 2000 and rebranded to Mindset Matters Group in 2005. Prior to this Liza held the roles of CEO of Corporate Vision and Consulting Director at the McKinsey & Company Performance Leadership Institute. The creation of Mindset Matters Group enabled Liza to follow her passion and deliver her vision for large-scale organisational development.

Our experience is local, international and extensive. We have the proven track record and skills to design and implement individual, team and organisational mindset and behaviour transformation programs.

We are skilled in partnering with internal experts, collaborating with other businesses, and implementing stand-alone programs.

We have more than 20 years’ experience in program engineering and design, numerous forms of coaching modalities and facilitation. We have successfully delivered programs in 17 countries.

We are experienced in coaching across diverse socio-political, geographic and business cultures and paradigms, and through often disruptive change.

Mindset Matters Group delivers on our clients’ expectations of uniquely tailored expert solutions and execution for each project through our core team and international network of over 40 experienced consultants, facilitators, coaches and program designers.

Hear from Liza, our Founder and Managing Director: